Sangamo Thermostats & The EU's ErP Directive
On Saturday the 26th of September 2015 a new piece of EU legislation came into force, the Energy Related Products Directive (ErP Directive - ErP 2009/125/CE), as will be familiar to most people as the coloured bar rating on fridges, washing machines and other white goods, has now been extended to include space heaters with an output of less than (or equal to) 400kW and water heaters and storage cylinders with an output of less than (or equal to) 400kW and a storage capacity of less than (or equal to) 2,000 litres. This means any new domestic boiler or heating system must come with an appropriate label to let the user know its energy efficiency for heating and hot water output ranging from A++ (most efficient) to G (least efficient) and the sound level while operating.- Gary Black
- Tags: Class I Class iV controls class energy related products ErP directive erp thermostat EU directive